Posts Tagged ‘Eco promotional recycled Gifts’

Eco promotional recycled Gifts

07 Dec
Eco promotional recycled Gifts

Eco promotional recycled Gifts

Why Use & Re-Use?
Birth: Compared to plastic, making a paper bag emits 70% more global warming gasses, creates 50 times more water pollution, uses 4 times more raw materials, and consumes 3.5 times more energy.

Life: Once used, paper bags are unlikely to be re-used. They tear easily and are made for one time usage.

Death: Eighty percent of all paper bags end up in landfills. There, they do not biodegrade because of a lack of oxygen. They also cost more to landfill because they take up much more space by weight and volume than plastic bags do.

So how’s that 2010 new years resolution going? Well, if you’re like many or even most of us, you may have already given up. It can be extremely difficult to change one habit. In fact, we may go year after year making the same promise to ourselves to break a bad habit. Then we break the promise of breaking that habit (sound familiar smokers, habitual soda drinkers, or fast-food eaters?). It’s a vicious cycle! How do we break it?

CTO propose we adopt a strategy of changing a variety of simple and easy things in our lives, right now, instead of having just one goal for change. What if changing in just one way is not enough? As we make decisions to change, even in small ways, we gain momentum and confidence in our ability to make positive changes regarding some of the more difficult things like working out regularly and finally losing that extra weight. So let’s start building that confidence!

For more information, please kindly visit our website